Is this a time to re-discover what you really want from your working life?
Are you wondering whether work sucks the life out of you and leaves you impoverished (financially, socially, relationally and spiritually)?
What if there was a way to re-imagine and re-design your life, working in a way that fills you with joy and freedom to be the person you were born to be?
What if life is not really a journey where stuff happens to you from the outside in but a process of discovery and transformation from the inside out as you evolve into the fullness of who you can be?
When you’re stuck and fed up it’s easy to go from the frying pan to the fire; to move from one job to the next or one relationship to the next (changing the external factors) , without ever taking stock of what the best you really wants in life, what’s actually holding you back and what will make the difference.
In the final analysis…we all choose our own destiny…either consciously or by default
of choosing the path of least resistance.
It’s time to be courageous, step back, reflect and re-evaluate what’s important for you so that you can whole-heartedly commit to either re-engage, re-direct or re-invent.